Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm Movin' Out...

Moving is hell...

Well that's what everyone keeps telling me. Packing is apparently miserable, picking up your entire life to move it to some other place is absolutely horrible. My response has been "Meh, it wont take that long, I don't have that much stuff." The typical comeback is "You have more than you think."

I really don't.

Typically when people move (from what I've heard) they have to pack up their entire lives. It involves a U-haul truck and many exhausting hours of packing and stressing. That hasn't been the case with me. For one thing, there's no furniture involved! I was lucky/blessed enough to move from one fully furnished house (Mom's) to another (Cakkie's). The only big items I have, other than Ajax's surfboard and kite for his kitesurfing which I was trying to sell for him, are my hope chest and a mirror. There are 8 medium sized boxes of clothes and shoes and miscellaneous items that I can't leave behind. There're another 3 suitcases filled with more clothes and jewelry and pictures. I'm 25 years old and that's what I own.

My favorite things are things that don't take up space at all. My big kid sapphire cocktail ring from my mom. My MacBook and external drive which hold all my essays and school work along with tens of thousands of pictures and about the same amount of my music. My diplomas and awards don't take up much space. Heartfelt letters and cards that people have written me are easy to pack. Memories go with you anywhere! (Remind me to post later about leaving houses but keeping the memories) :)

No pets/kids (yes, I lump those two groups together). No huge pieces of furniture. Not even any plants to throw out of give to people (Ajax please promise me we don't have to take care of plants in Zama!). No house to sell. No rent to get out of. Already cancelled my membership at the Y. The biggest things needing to be dealt with are the Durango (which I may keep making payments on because I would love to have that vehicle when I come back) and the cell phone.

Right now is probably the best time to try something new. My friend Della posted a quote online today that I thought was phenomenal. It says "Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." - Brian Tracy, self-help guru and Chairman of Brian Tracy International, a human resource company.  

I am so ready for this! Like Billy Joel says... "I'm Movin' Out!"


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