Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Do Something Crazy...

Have I mentioned that my move to Japan is officially official? It's so flipping exciting!!! I start February 1st. My ticket to Narita Airport has me leaving out of Tally, through Atlanta, and into Japan next Friday and Saturday! That leaves me about a week of getting things done and shipped.


Ajax's mom called it. She said that I'd be in San Diego and get the confirmation email from the college with all of my questions answered. I had my doubts. But as soon as I walked into the hotel room I got the email. Then I proceeded to jump around like a fool on the elevator and hit the boyfriend a few times (out of excitement of course) and kept grinning the rest of the long weekend in California.

Speaking of Cali, the weather was wonderful, the food was absolutely delicious (thanks to our awesome tour guide, future food critic Loco), and the company was great! The people drive like crap, but I supposed some concessions have to be made. We ate a ton... and then we ate some more.

I got to meet Ajax's dad and got to see his mom again, which was something I really wanted to do before going to Japan. Seeing the boyfriend again made me so happy. It's just so easy to be around him. Missed that a lot.

I've got a flight to catch. :) Promise that there will be more updates to come!

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